Medical Malpractice: 5 Tips for Choosing a Great Surgeon
Finding a great surgeon is no small feat, and you certainly don’t want to fall victim to an act of medical malpractice. So, here is a short list of ways for you to ensure you are choosing the best surgeon to tackle your ailment.
Understand Medical Malpractice
One of the most important bits of knowledge you can arm yourself with before scheduling your procedure is to have a solid understanding of what medical malpractice really is. Medical malpractice doesn’t necessarily have to result in an injury or lifelong complication; it is often much more subtle than you’re probably expecting. For example, everything from minor offenses like failure to order the proper testing (which can typically be quickly remedied while in the office or at the lab) to major offenses like having the patient undergo unnecessary surgery or being neglectful while reviewing the patient’s medical history can be considered malpractice.
If for any reason you suspect your doctors or surgeons are guilty of medical malpractice, don’t hesitate to speak with an attorney who specializes in medical malpractice cases.
Talk to Friends and Family
One of the easiest ways to guarantee an unbiased opinion is by turning to those who have been in your position. Ask your friends and family about the surgeons they’ve enjoyed working with. You can gather an endless list of recommendations, but you will gain the best insight from people who have undergone similar, if not the same surgery, and are comfortable discussing their experience with you. Tap into the resources you already have by turning to your built-in support system for advice and recommendations.
Find a Support Group
If the surgery you require isn’t very common, or it’s just that no one you know has experience with it, reach out to a support group – whether it be in person or online, a support group is bound to help you in more ways than one. Speaking to people with the most experience will afford you the most options and opportunities. This way, you will likely open yourself up to surgical opportunities all across the country.
Take Advantage of Your Insurance Company
Unfortunately, relying on your friends and family can only get you so far. The surgeons recommended may have a great reputation, but they may not be in-network with your insurance company. You can call or email your insurance company to request a list of surgeons and facilities that will accept your insurance. Once you’ve done your homework, compare the lists between what your loved ones recommended and what your insurance will cover to find your perfect surgeon.
Research Your Surgeon
After exhausting all of your resources, take it one step further by researching your chosen surgeon. This may seem a bit excessive, but you will certainly thank yourself in the long-run. When it comes to your health, you can never be too cautious. Take every surgeon into consideration and when you finally narrow down your list, it may be time to turn to a website like, where you can look at nearly every aspect of your surgeon’s professional and private life. Sites like these can offer you a look into everything from criminal records to general background checks and email addresses.
You can never be too careful when it comes to making a major life decision, especially when it comes to choosing a surgeon, and hopefully these few tips have helped make that decision a bit easier for you. Please take your time and make the decision right for you – know what to expect, turn to your loved ones or seek advice from a support group, talk to your insurance company, and definitely do your research.